A camera entity sets what the user will see from a certain point of
view. It behaves much like a real camera or the eyes of a person.
- fov (bound): Set the camera's vertical field of view in
degrees. This is used with perspective projection only (the default
if orthogonal isn't checked).
- near_clip_plane: The minimum distance for an object to be
visible. Polygons closer than that distance are clipped (cut) to
that boundary.
- far_clip_plane: The maximum distance for an object to be
visible. Polygons further than that distance are clipped (cut) to
that boundary.
- frustum_culling: Whether frustum culling is enabled.
- occlusion_culling: Whether occlusion culling is enabled. Note
that occlusion culling doesn't work on every platform.
- orthogonal: Whether the camera projection should be orthogonal
instead of the default perspective projection.
- ortho_size: The height of the othogonal projection. The height
defines the number of units that the orthogonal projection will
"see". So if you have a height of 100 you'll see 100 units of the
world around the camera. The displayed width is otho_size * aspect