
  • occluder: Whether the character will be an occluder when occlusion culling is enabled.
  • drawop_culling: Whether to do visibility culling per draw operation in the character, instead of using only the character's bounding volume. A draw operation is one part of the character. This is useful for when a character is a huge scene, which is common for environments. As an example, if the Character is a city with this flag on each building is culled individually. Without it everything would be drawn every frame as long as any part of the city is visible.
  • create_flags:
    • Animated: Whether the character will be used with extra animations. Without this flag all the individual parts of the character are collapsed and optimized to speed up rendering. With the flag on, the original structure of the character is preserved so that animations can be applied to the character's bones or nodes.
    • AnimatedCollapseNodes: Collapse nodes which are not touched by any animation in the base character when loading an animated character.
    • StaticIfNoAnim: Import as static (aka without the Animated flag) if there isn't any animation in the base character.
    • SharedAnimations: Animations are shared between all the Characters using the same base character file.
    • SharedMaterials: Materials are shared between all the Characters using the same base character file.
    • ComputeNormals: Whether to compute the character's normals when it is loaded. This can be used to fix normals if the characters are not correctly setup, and you don't have access to the source or don't want to modify it.
    • ComputeTangentFrame: Whether to compute the character's tangent frames when it is loaded. This is used for normal mapping. If not set, the tangent frames are computed within the pixel shader which is usually slower than precomputing it at load time.
    • NoPhysics: Never load any physics data for the character.
    • PhysicsOnly: Only load the physics data of the character, the character is never drawn on screen.
    • PhysicsDynamicScaling: Notify that the character is going to be scaled dynamically while the level is running, and that its mesh will be used as collision shape. This is notably slower (20-30% slower) on mobile devices and thus is not the default.
    • PhysicsHull: The physics data is a convex hull of the character.
  • fading: If not -1/-1, specifies the start and end distance at which the character is faded out of the view. In the transition zone (between start and end) a shader is applied to fade out the character smoothly. The particular fading effect depends of the rendering pipeline in use.


The LODs are a list of distance and character file path. The LOD0 (or base character file) is always present and cannot be removed. Use the [+] button at the bottom to add a new LOD. If not -1, the distance specifies the distance from the camera when the LOD should start to be used.

[ LOD0 Distance ][ LOD0 / Base Character Path ]
[ LOD1 Distance ][ LOD1 Path ]
[ LODN Distance ][ LODN Path ]
                           [+] // Add a new LOD


  • shape_type: The type of shape that will represent the Character physically. The Mesh shape type will use what is specified by the physics flags in create_flags. The other shape types will use the character's bounding volume as basis to compute a reasonable approximation of the character's shape. Note that Minkowski, Compound and Heightfield can't be used effectively with a Character entity.
  • size: If not zero specifies the reference size to use for the bounding volume physics shapes, such as Box, Sphere or Cylinder.

Note that you can press F4 in the editor to toggle on/off the collision box debug view.

To add rigid body physics to a Character use a parent Entity/Primitive.