
  • draw: Whether the solid primitive should be drawn. Turning this off is useful to build trigger area or collision only objects.
  • outline: Whether to draw an outline around the primitive. The outline uses the material's Opacity color.
  • wireframe: Whether the primitive's wireframe should be drawn.
  • physics: Whether to create a physics collision primitive.
  • type: The primitive's type.
  • slices: The number of slices / horizontal resolution of the primitive. A higher value generate a more precise shape but uses more polygons.
  • stacks: The number of stacks / vertical resolution of the primitive. A higher value generate a more precise shape but uses more polygons.
  • inner_size: Percentage of the size of the solid primitive when drawn with an outline.
  • mass: If not zero, specifies the primitive's rigid body mass used in a Dynamics simulation.