This tutorial will teach you the basics to navigate through the Valkyrie Engine screens and create your very first app.
Start the Valkyrie Launcher and you will get two tabs:
Firstly, swap to the Templates tab and select the New Project tab. You will be prompted to select a template to create a new application.
To better understand the interactions in Valkyrie, we recommend that for your first trial you select the AnimMixer template. Once selected, a Create Project screen pops up. Select a Name for your application. Choose the directory where you want to save your app in the Location field & proceed by clicking on Create. The application will be created and saved in your documents. Note that by default, applications are located in C:/User/USER_NAME/Vlk Projects/ on Windows and /Users/USER_NAME/Vlk Projects on macOS.
The Image above shows the default User interface Layout.
Located on the Top Left of the Screen, 3 major tabs.
A) Center (File Manager)
B) View (Viewport window)
Render Mode
C) Transform (Gizmo Setting)
Move & Rotate
The Library menu allows you to import assets inside your application and it is split into 7 tabs:
A) Levels
B) Entities
For a full list, Click Here for Entity
C) Actions
For the full list, Click Here for Action
D) Events
For the full list, Click Here for Event
E) Data
F) Application Template Folder
G) Refresh
Adjacent to the Right section, you will find the timeline of the entire project and individual time bars for each Entity, Action and Event that is within the current level.
On the Left side of the Timeline Tab, the list contains every single Entity, Action and Event that is within the current level. From here, each item can be manipulated in a layered system where components are grouped, in a hierarchical arrangement, such that lower layers provide functions and services that support the functions and services of higher layers.
Above the Outliner, a row of icons are located here to help manipulate both the timeline and the Outliner.
Icon List
Starting from the Left
01. Expand Layers: Expand or Collapse every single layers within the Outliner.
02. Isolate: Single out a single selected object within the outliner.
03. Play Button: Start the timeline from 0:00.
04. Pause Button: Pause at the current position on the play time.
05. Stop Button: Halts the entire timeline and reset the timeline play time to 0:00.
Icon List
Starting from the Left
01. Reload Scene: Reloads the entire scene.
02. Toggle Time Bars: Display the timeline.
03. Toggle Timeline: Hide time bars of the timeline.
04. Delete Selection: Delete the selected objects in the Outliner.
05. Toggle Visibility Actions: To turn the visibility of the Actions within the Outliner On or Off.
06. Toggle Visibility Events: To turn the visibility of the Actions within the Events On or Off.
07. Toggle Visibility Animations: To turn the visibility of the Animations within the Outliner On or Off.
08. Toggle Visibility Children: To turn the visibility of the Children of Hierarchy within the Outliner On or Off.
09. Toggle Visibility Camera: To turn the visibility of the Camera within the Outliner On or Off.
10. Toggle Visibility Lights: To turn the visibility of the Light within the Outliner On or Off.
Within the Inspector window, this is the location to go to if you need to setup any in-scene settings of individual selected object such as Name and Identity, Timeline Setting, Transform Coordination, Layer Settings and many more other specific settings based on the type of asset.
The Material Editor allows you to add your texture maps to individual Entities. It also provides the ability to directly manipulate how much a texture can affect in-scene.
For more details, Click Here.
Every Menus and Windows mentioned above can be visibly toggled and eventually the entire menu setup can be customized to your own preference.